회장 인사말(영문)


전국보건교사회 회장 강류교   

Hello everyone.

My name is Kang Ryu-gyo, president of the National Health Teachers Association.
Thank you for visiting the website of the National Health Teachers Association.

The National Health Teachers Association was founded in 1986 as the National Nursing Teachers Association, and for the past 37 years, even under difficult conditions, we have been striving to provide a logical basis for the improvement of unreasonable laws and systems, and to improve the rights, interests, and status of health teachers.

The National Health Teachers Association is a national organization with more than 8,000 health teachers as members. It is an affiliate of the Korean Nurses Association, and a functional organization of the Korean Federation of Teachers organizations. It plays a pivotal role in the development of school health for the health of students, who are the future leaders of society.

The role of the nursing teachers, which was centered on disease treatment in 1953, was renamed "health teacher" in 2002 in response to the needs of health education and preventive health promotion, so its role was expanded. As the sole health care provider for children and adolescents in schools, the role of the health teacher, who teaches students health, has played a pivotal part in creating a healthy society as treatment and preventive education have become one, and students' ability to manage their own health has improved.

Thanks to the dedicated efforts and sacrifices of our predecessors, the National Health Teachers Association has made great progress. There are researchers, research officers, school inspectors, and scholarship officers who are former health teachers working at the Ministry of Education, local education departments, and at schools as vice principals and principals.

Nevertheless, health teachers are still facing difficulties in carrying out their main duties of health education and in school health services due to unreasonable laws and systems.

Therefore, the 19th National Health Teacher's Association will accelerate research and policy development to improve unreasonable laws and systems that hinder health education, and the maintenance, management, and promotion of student health.

We ask for the special attention, support, and active participation of all chapter presidents, officers, and members.
Thank you.

Kang Ryugyo, President